Saturday, September 14, 2002

We got a drummer! His name is Jim and he came to practice today. He could only stay a little while, so we thought "we'll play well so he will like us and stay" We proceeded to play like poop for the next hour until he left. Then we took a break an went back in for another jam. This one was probably the best we've had yet, and the drummer wasn't there to see that we're not all that terrible. But it was still fun. We continued our song "I want to kill a boy band." Its turning out very lovely indeed.
The soccer team is hosting a tournament this weekend and one of the teams is WKU, where my brother Will went to school. I kept looking to see if big red was there, but no luck. Oh well. I don't even know how the score turned out, but I thought it was neat that Will's school was here.
Other than that, the weekend has been over all very nice thus far. I'm in one of the best moods I've been in in a long time. The fiddler's convention is coming up, which means I get to see my family! Tonight after work I'm driving to T-town to see and Nick and go to church with him tomorrow.
Thats about it. Maybe some more later, if anything interesting happens at the Cellar tonight.

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