Thursday, September 05, 2002

So my Jedi Webmaster Geoff (actually my brother peeg) has added links and an elaborative picture to the site for me, seeing as how I am just a padwan learner in the ways of webmathering. So this post is to say thanks to da peeg and also to tell a short story. I'm actually posting this from the cellar right now, and so will tell a cellar story. In between serving coffee and the like, I have walked around the room in a large cardboard box with cut outs in it (a face, arm holes). We like to call him "Cellar box." He usually sits on the stage with a mic in front of him, singing whatever music we put on. Anyway, the point is that after going outside and greeting customers as cellar box and getting varying reactions, one of my co-workers pushed me down while in the box. Later he went away. Hence the point of this story: one should bever mess with large admired refiridgerator boxes or those that temporarily inhabit them. Yens.
That may or may not have been funny. Its 12:43am and I still have an hour of work and am running on 3 hours of sleep. Ah the powers of sleep-deprivation!
Ok. I'll stop now.


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