Friday, September 27, 2002

Friday night and I am reading Lord of the Rings and drinking coffee. I am one serious party dude. This whole week I've been thinking "I'll party this friday, this week has been so busy." Now its here and I just want to sit and read about hobbits. And thats ok.
Last night I went to a classical Indian music concert on campus. There was a violinist, a tabla player and some guy that played what looked like a banjo on crack. It was awesome. Two and a half hours of really cool music. The first song lasted for 45 minutes. At the end of the first half of the show the audience was told that it was the first time the tabla player and violinist had ever played together. It seemed, when they were playing, that they had been doing those songs together for years. We were also told that much of Indian classical music is impromtu. So I witnessed a supa jam, basically. And it was free to BSC students. All in all, the highlight of my week.
I had my Rhodes mock interview today. It went very well. I was told that I needed to get to the point of my answers faster, and make more eye contact. The feedback was very helpful. I was nervous at first, but it wore off once we started really talking. I also need to re-work my essay quite a bit. Hopefully when its done I'll just post a large portion of it and ask for feedback from anybody that reads this site (meaning mostly just Will, Peeg, Stacy, and an occasional friend). If you are a reader too and I didn't mention your name, I'm sorry. I'm just going on the comments section. I thank all those that ever subject themselves to my ramblings.
I'm at the Cellar right now, working. I've had just about two customers in a little over an hour. 1st shift on friday night is always slow. But that is ok with me, because I am getting paid to post on my website and read. Hooray!
Fiddler's Convention is next week and I have not practiced at all. I've been playing almost exclusively electric for the band, and so must reaquaint myself with my acoustic very, very quickly. I think I'm going to sing, if I can learn a song in a week. To Peeg and Stacy, you will be missed at Athens. I will do a Peeg dance in honor of Da Peeg and ask at least one stranger, "Where da cheese at?" in honor of Stacy.
Thats it for now I guess. I hope everyone is well.

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