Thursday, April 03, 2003

Hallo. I am sorry I have not posted in a bazillion years, but...
1) I went to spring break
2) When I got back I found out that my research group had been accepted to a conference, and I was to represent the group by giving a talk. The catch is... THE TALK IS TOMORROW! Yep, we have been working nonstop on this thing since we got back. I am working on 2.5 hours of sleep and lots o' the coffee. I actually have the lecture in my hand right now. Scary. So I promise soon that I'll post with funny spring break stories.

Also, I formally accepted Alabama's offer for Grad school this week. Too many good things all in one place to turn down. I start August 19th workin' on the ol' doctorate.

I hope evryone is well and has had more sleep than me.


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