Thursday, October 21, 2004

As we say in the States: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THA PEEG!!!"

Today, my brother Da Peeg turns older than he was last year. I will leave it up to him to let you all know how close he is now to the big TRIPLE X!

Also, as Peeg is reading this, he is IN THE FUTURE!!! Its already tomorrow in Japan, I think.

That is all for now. Back to work.

I hope everyone is well.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

It appears that blogger has decided to arbitrarily delete my last post. It amounted to the fact that I miss Peeg and Stacy, and that this was made apparent to me the other day when I couldn't even simply pick up the phone to call them. Now I must have a fancy pants phone card and wait until 2am. I did, however, find the TOTALLY AWESOME cd that Peeg made me for Molly when she was new called "Where Tha Cheese At?" and have been listening to it quite a bit these last few days. Yes.
Speaking of Molly, saga continues. After I got the car back with a "confident" repair of the problem and a sweet resolution package that included a new 75,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty on top of my existing factory warranty, she broke down. Again. On the interstate. Again. The same damn problem, and this time I was on the way to work. Lost a day's wages, lost a whole lot of patience, and nearly lost my life in an accident (again). At the moment the paper work is being reviewed for replacement or repurchase. In the meantime I am in my third loner car in the last four and a half weeks. This time it is a 2004 Pontiac GranPrix Widetrack. After naming the Chevy Silvarado I drove for a week "Brutus" and the 1999 Saturn SL2 I drove for two weeks "Silver" (she was silver), Nick and I are deciding between "Fatty Fatty Boom Ballaty" (the car is f-in huge.) OR "Gordon Palmer" (the name of the building where I work, and the same initials as Grand Prix). Please let me know your vote, or any other suggestions for that matter.
Other than the seemingly constant interruption that these car problems have provided, my life is nice and busy with school. In fact, I must go there now and go to class. But before I go, I would like to say that my brother Peeg, who sold me Molly, ROX JAPAN'S FACE OFF, and is no way connected to or responsible for any of the problems it has caused my lately. Every once in awhile there is a Lemon in any bunch or cars, and I happened to get one. So to the Peeg way off in Japan, YOU ROCK. And I am still very glad I got to buy a car from you. Yes.
I hope everyone is well.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Superman died today.

His contributions to the area of recovery from catastrophic neurological injury were tremendous, and his death will leave a big hole in an important area of research, more for his star power than anything else, but the impact will be felt just the same.

I hope everyone is well.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I would like to take this opportunity to say that I miss Peeg and Stacy. It wasn't like I saw them all the time before, but now it is difficult even to talk to them on the phone. This hit me the other day when I was getting out of my office late at night. It was dark, and I looked up to see a crazy squirrel frozen in the streetlamp light. The situation would have made sense had it been in headlights, but apparently this squirrel couldn't tell the difference. When I said "hey Mr. Squirrel, its ok. Its not a car. You can move now", it didn't move. So the infrequent occurance happened where the spirit of the Peeg took me. I ran at the squirrel all wonkey and yelled "SQUIRREL GAME SQUIRREL GAME" in my best Peeg voice. This got the animal to move. I then opened my cell phone to call Peeg and Stacy to tell them, but then I realized they now live on another continent and such.
Also, it looks like my Mr. T action figure is breakdancing right now, but really he just fell behind my computer monitor and landed in a funk-a-licious way. Funky, funky.
I hope everyone is well (including the mister squirrel).

Joe "Japan is pretty f-ing far away" Chandler

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


So little coherence.

First, I will let you all know about the fate of my car, Molly. I will spare you the long version and just say that she has spent much more time with the people at Saturn of Birmingham lately than with me. Muchly much much more time. In fact, the longest I have driven my car since the start of the school year has been five days. The rest of the time she has been either sitting and waiting to go to the shop, or has indeed been in the shop. Twice she has inexplicably shut down on me in precarious situations, and that is the main reason for all of this. There was also a bad clutch repair gone wrong in there, but that is, seemingly, in the past. At this poin they have identified part of the probelm. I have a loner car right now, and have also been in contact with Saturn Coporate to talk about possible replacement of the car if they cannot nail down the problem. That is how all that is going. The loner car is nice, but is not my Molly. It has no CD player and has a considerable lack of "pizazz" and "zip" both of which I have grown accustomed to.

Second, FIDDLER'S WAS A BLAST, as always. But this year there were two things missing, in my mind at least: Will and Meghan, and Jenn. All had reasons no to be there, but all were missed. There were many people there, however, and we had a good time. I saw Jamie, Allie, David and his lady, Joey (ageless with inexplicably teenage Catlin and Adam pictures), and got to meet David's birth mother. I also saw David's parents, my parents, and Nick and Ashley. I had a nice cold that allowed me to sing like rumbly Johnny Cash Joe, and Mama sang beautifully as always. I also played dulcimer, which went as well as my current skill level will allow. Joey backed Mama and I up on everything, and a great time was had. At the traditional "Behind the White House Jam" the next day I lost my voice to the cold but gained the knowledge of how to play many Simon and Garfunkel songs thanks to Jamie. Before I left I bought Jenn a surprise, which I cannot reveal yet because she hasn't gotten it. I already miss evrybody I got to see and I look forward to next year when Will and Meghan will be back with a jammin' baby Liam and Jenn can again experience the grandness of ho apple cider and funnel cakes.

Third, I need your help in deciding if I am crazy. I am currently writing a grant with the idea of dually enrolling in a physical therapy program staring next summer while continuing to complete my PhD in conitive psych. If you think this is a bit crazy, please do let me know.

Fourth, if anyone knows a good cassarole recipe that includes chicken and cheese I would love to have it. A) I love cassarole, and B) the weather is starting to get cool enough to appriciate one coming out of the oven.

Fifth, I have a word for you: HOMOSCEDASTICITY. See, statistics can be fun.

Sixth, Julie chased her tail the other day for what must have been 15 minutes. She apparently did it once before in front of Nick and I didn't see it and so couldn't fully appreciate it. But I saw it today, and man, it was probably one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Even better than when a dog does it. The best is that she never caught it. She just got visibly tired and had to stop, scowling at her own tail while panting, obviously plotting her next move in eradicating her own appendage.

Seventh, THE END.

I hope everyone is well (to Peeg and Stacy: moshi moshi).