Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Ok. I was checking my post from earlier today, and I had a comment! I was so excited, but much to my dismay, it was not a positive one. A friend of mine simply pointed out that I had not written about the Inugural Danball game on Sunday by posting the comment "Dan Ball????!!!!!" It made me sad, and made me think that all good things come in time, which all folks in the world should know. So, in due time and not by purposeful omission, here is a brief synopsis of the 1st ever BSC Danball game this past Sunday:
Joe Chandler, Joe John, Dave Whiten, David Hooge and Carl Wise were in attendance.
There was about a hour or so game of two-on-two with a rotating goalie. It was dark with no lights except one that kept flickering on and off. Every time the light was on it was a "power play." Every time the ball was put into play we yelled "the hog is in the sack" and everytime the goalie wanted people to back off the box he yelled "grease pit!" It was great. Still a little amorphous and non-rule oriented, but it has begun! This sunday hopefully we will have more people and light. Noone really knows who won, as the rotating goalie sort of changed the teams up every so often. Much fun was had by all.
So the moral of the story is, if you want your friend to post about something, ask them to. Do not use the comment script for evil. It is a tool of the light.
I hope everyone is well,

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