Twenty-two does not seem like such a large number until you have spent that many years on the earth. Yup. Today ol' Joe turns 22 on the 22nd.
I had a great night with my parents and Nick and one of his army buddies. We ate Mata's and had draught and then ate cake and had champagne. All in all a very nice night. I got to talk to Will for longer than I have in awhile. We talked about the war and guitars and all sorts of things. It makes me realize how much I miss hanging out with my family members (insert audience sigh here) and that I really need to get up the South Carolina and D.C. way.
I might actaully have an opportunity to do the D.C. part very soon. The other day I was picking up the phone to accept Alabama's offer when George Washington called. After seeing my fancy Phi Beta Kappa update they upped their offer and asked me not to accept Alabama until I had a chance to visit GW and look over their offer in full. Geez. It is really a disembodiing (is that a word?) experience to have two Grad school pretty much fighting over you. I keep waiting for someone to call and say, "yes, we just realized that you are Joe, and are sorry but we have to take our monies back. Nice try." But it hasn't happened yet. And so I keep ridding the Grad school ride, hoping that an easy answer comes and I can stop blushing so much and stuttering when fancy folks give me compliments. As I said, geez. Maybe they will figure it out that I am the Joe that once tried to hot-glue an oven handle back on after I broke it off. Oh well.
Besides that I am off to the sunny beach with my friends fro spring break. I'll be there for a week, so probably no posts. I know, I know, but it will be ok. I promise.
I hope everyone is well. Keep your thoughts / prayers / energy with those that are risking and losing their lives on both sides of this war. Noone deserves death at the hands of another human being.
things i've noticed, things others have noticed for me, and things i hope to notice later.
Saturday, March 22, 2003
Saturday, March 15, 2003
I took the test on Nick's site and I got this:
I am Frylock from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!
Which Aqua Teen Hunger Force character are you??
I hope everyone is well.
I am Frylock from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!
Which Aqua Teen Hunger Force character are you??
I hope everyone is well.
Thursday, March 13, 2003
I WOULD LIKE TO START THIS POST WITH A DISCLAIMER: I love myself, for that is a healthy thing. But I do not love myself as much as this post is going to sound like I do.
Over the last few weeks I have been hearing from grad schools and the like, and at the same time I have realized, "hey, Joe... you still have a lot of work to do at 'Southern." Consequently I have been what some may call "busy" and others may call "swamped." So I have decided to use this little forum to update my family and friends on my Grad School situation, so as not to sky-rocket my cell phone bill ( I spent much money on it during my grandfather's illness this last week). So here is the breakdown, folks:
This week I was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and fancy-pants honor society that makes my resume much nicer.
Two weeks ago I was accepted to Emory University, and offered full tuition and fees plus $5,000.00 a year to teach.
This week I was accepted to George Washington University and offered tution and fees plus a pending aid packeage to be determined after I fill out more paper work and...
After being accepted to Alabama a few weeks ago and being offered a nice scholarship there (full tuition and fees plus $12,500 a year) I was awarded a Dean's Merit Scholarship to 'Bama yesterday worth an extra $6,000 a year. That means full tuition, fees, and $18,500 a year as long as I stay in "good academic standing."
So that is it. I promise I will try to call all my relatives this weekend when my phone is free. And just to reiterate, this was not a braggin' page. But I did get a bit link-happy, no? Just to take the focus off me a bit, here is a random fun super happy link to follow. Enjoy!
I hope everyone is well!
Over the last few weeks I have been hearing from grad schools and the like, and at the same time I have realized, "hey, Joe... you still have a lot of work to do at 'Southern." Consequently I have been what some may call "busy" and others may call "swamped." So I have decided to use this little forum to update my family and friends on my Grad School situation, so as not to sky-rocket my cell phone bill ( I spent much money on it during my grandfather's illness this last week). So here is the breakdown, folks:
This week I was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and fancy-pants honor society that makes my resume much nicer.
Two weeks ago I was accepted to Emory University, and offered full tuition and fees plus $5,000.00 a year to teach.
This week I was accepted to George Washington University and offered tution and fees plus a pending aid packeage to be determined after I fill out more paper work and...
After being accepted to Alabama a few weeks ago and being offered a nice scholarship there (full tuition and fees plus $12,500 a year) I was awarded a Dean's Merit Scholarship to 'Bama yesterday worth an extra $6,000 a year. That means full tuition, fees, and $18,500 a year as long as I stay in "good academic standing."
So that is it. I promise I will try to call all my relatives this weekend when my phone is free. And just to reiterate, this was not a braggin' page. But I did get a bit link-happy, no? Just to take the focus off me a bit, here is a random fun super happy link to follow. Enjoy!
I hope everyone is well!
Sunday, March 09, 2003
If you do not like the idea of copious amounts of mucus, do not read on. If you do, you should talk to someone about that, in a professional capacity. If you don't like it but can stand it, read on.
Thursday I went to a movie with Amberly and we had a great time (we saw Daredevil). After the movie she had messeges on her phone from Carl and Drew saying to call my Dad. I did, and he had some bad news. My grandfather was in the ICU in Anniston. He told me to wait until friday morning and then come home so I could help in any capacity I could. So I waited. I didn't sleep much, but I waited. And friday I went.
First, so as not to cause any undue alarm, grandpa is ok for now. The diagnosis is pneumonia, possibly chronic. But that is not so bad as the congestive heart failure that was on the table for awhile. And he's at home. Everyone feels Grandma can take better care of him there since they have such a rhythm there. So he's ok. Back to friday.
I went home and waited with Mama, Aunt Beth, Aunt Pat, and Grandma and we had fish (friday Catholics!). Grandpa was moved to a normal room that afternoon, and over the next few days he steadily improved. I stayed both nights with Grandma, watching him and helping the over-worked, understaffed, underpaid nursing staff. So all is ok at this point, but I still haven't gotten to the reason for my gross disclaimer above.
As I understand it on thursday night Grandpa started having trouble breathing. After awhile lots of very thick mucus started draining out of his mouth, and he couldn't seem to cough any of it out himself. So Grandma had a quick and ingenious idea: she got the turkey baster and started cleaning out his mouth and throat. It worked and probably saved his life by buying enough time for the ambulance and Dr. Zinn to get there. So there is the not-so-in-order story of this weeekend. I didn't sleep much until today, so I am sort of wonkey. I'm going to go back to work and a group meeting now.
I hope everyon is well!
Thursday I went to a movie with Amberly and we had a great time (we saw Daredevil). After the movie she had messeges on her phone from Carl and Drew saying to call my Dad. I did, and he had some bad news. My grandfather was in the ICU in Anniston. He told me to wait until friday morning and then come home so I could help in any capacity I could. So I waited. I didn't sleep much, but I waited. And friday I went.
First, so as not to cause any undue alarm, grandpa is ok for now. The diagnosis is pneumonia, possibly chronic. But that is not so bad as the congestive heart failure that was on the table for awhile. And he's at home. Everyone feels Grandma can take better care of him there since they have such a rhythm there. So he's ok. Back to friday.
I went home and waited with Mama, Aunt Beth, Aunt Pat, and Grandma and we had fish (friday Catholics!). Grandpa was moved to a normal room that afternoon, and over the next few days he steadily improved. I stayed both nights with Grandma, watching him and helping the over-worked, understaffed, underpaid nursing staff. So all is ok at this point, but I still haven't gotten to the reason for my gross disclaimer above.
As I understand it on thursday night Grandpa started having trouble breathing. After awhile lots of very thick mucus started draining out of his mouth, and he couldn't seem to cough any of it out himself. So Grandma had a quick and ingenious idea: she got the turkey baster and started cleaning out his mouth and throat. It worked and probably saved his life by buying enough time for the ambulance and Dr. Zinn to get there. So there is the not-so-in-order story of this weeekend. I didn't sleep much until today, so I am sort of wonkey. I'm going to go back to work and a group meeting now.
I hope everyon is well!
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
Ok. I was checking my post from earlier today, and I had a comment! I was so excited, but much to my dismay, it was not a positive one. A friend of mine simply pointed out that I had not written about the Inugural Danball game on Sunday by posting the comment "Dan Ball????!!!!!" It made me sad, and made me think that all good things come in time, which all folks in the world should know. So, in due time and not by purposeful omission, here is a brief synopsis of the 1st ever BSC Danball game this past Sunday:
Joe Chandler, Joe John, Dave Whiten, David Hooge and Carl Wise were in attendance.
There was about a hour or so game of two-on-two with a rotating goalie. It was dark with no lights except one that kept flickering on and off. Every time the light was on it was a "power play." Every time the ball was put into play we yelled "the hog is in the sack" and everytime the goalie wanted people to back off the box he yelled "grease pit!" It was great. Still a little amorphous and non-rule oriented, but it has begun! This sunday hopefully we will have more people and light. Noone really knows who won, as the rotating goalie sort of changed the teams up every so often. Much fun was had by all.
So the moral of the story is, if you want your friend to post about something, ask them to. Do not use the comment script for evil. It is a tool of the light.
I hope everyone is well,
Joe Chandler, Joe John, Dave Whiten, David Hooge and Carl Wise were in attendance.
There was about a hour or so game of two-on-two with a rotating goalie. It was dark with no lights except one that kept flickering on and off. Every time the light was on it was a "power play." Every time the ball was put into play we yelled "the hog is in the sack" and everytime the goalie wanted people to back off the box he yelled "grease pit!" It was great. Still a little amorphous and non-rule oriented, but it has begun! This sunday hopefully we will have more people and light. Noone really knows who won, as the rotating goalie sort of changed the teams up every so often. Much fun was had by all.
So the moral of the story is, if you want your friend to post about something, ask them to. Do not use the comment script for evil. It is a tool of the light.
I hope everyone is well,
I would like to announce that I am not updating my site from the cellar today, though I may do more later (since I am working tonight). Nope, I am here in my room, thinking about what I can put on my website to communicate with my family and friends. Well a few things have happened since my last significant post, and they mostly involve graduate school (what else is new). So here they are:
Last friday I visited the Cognitive department at Alabama and stayed the night with Nick. I went to lunch with some of the faculty and a first year student, then saw many of the labs, then went to a research talk, then went and had a few beers with the grad students. All in all it was an awesome time. It is a relaxed department with many smart people having a good time. Sounds like a nice place to be for free for the next four years, you know? After having a very nice time with them Nick and I had tubby eating time with Cadbury Creme eggs and cookies and Chinese food from some place called Lai Lai. It was glutton-licious. We hung out with one of his army buddies for awhile and then went to sleep. I had to go back the next day for Honors Day here at 'Southern, but it was nice to see Nick for the time I did.
The thursday before that I got a call from Emory that was ohh so nice. I didn't call anyone becasue it is a conditional acceptance, but here's what they want to give me with it: full tutiton plus fees for tenure. I said, "that's great!" and then they asked me if anyone else had accepted me. I said yes, and detailed to Alabama offer to them. They said something like, "Well, yes, ummm... we are meeting again tomorrow, and we'll consider this an amendment to your application and get back to you later." So they called me back on friday and offered me a $5,000.00 per year stipend to teach stats. It was very flattering and wonderful, but it still pales to Alabama's offer. So at this point, Emory may be out of the running. And I am telling everyone this at once so I can keep my cell phone bill down, so, (if they care), tell your friends!
Ash Wednesday is today. I have had tofu, carrots, and milk, plus some vitamins. Class and work have kept me from mass unfortunately, but the fasting makes me feel the day even more than the ashes, so I think me and God be cool. Yeah, we cool.
I hope everyone is well!
Last friday I visited the Cognitive department at Alabama and stayed the night with Nick. I went to lunch with some of the faculty and a first year student, then saw many of the labs, then went to a research talk, then went and had a few beers with the grad students. All in all it was an awesome time. It is a relaxed department with many smart people having a good time. Sounds like a nice place to be for free for the next four years, you know? After having a very nice time with them Nick and I had tubby eating time with Cadbury Creme eggs and cookies and Chinese food from some place called Lai Lai. It was glutton-licious. We hung out with one of his army buddies for awhile and then went to sleep. I had to go back the next day for Honors Day here at 'Southern, but it was nice to see Nick for the time I did.
The thursday before that I got a call from Emory that was ohh so nice. I didn't call anyone becasue it is a conditional acceptance, but here's what they want to give me with it: full tutiton plus fees for tenure. I said, "that's great!" and then they asked me if anyone else had accepted me. I said yes, and detailed to Alabama offer to them. They said something like, "Well, yes, ummm... we are meeting again tomorrow, and we'll consider this an amendment to your application and get back to you later." So they called me back on friday and offered me a $5,000.00 per year stipend to teach stats. It was very flattering and wonderful, but it still pales to Alabama's offer. So at this point, Emory may be out of the running. And I am telling everyone this at once so I can keep my cell phone bill down, so, (if they care), tell your friends!
Ash Wednesday is today. I have had tofu, carrots, and milk, plus some vitamins. Class and work have kept me from mass unfortunately, but the fasting makes me feel the day even more than the ashes, so I think me and God be cool. Yeah, we cool.
I hope everyone is well!
Saturday, March 01, 2003
He just turned 40 and he's averaging 30+ in the last five games. He played yesterday with an injury that would put most folks out for a few games, and he still did this. Wow. Anyway, more later.
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- Twenty-two does not seem like such a large number ...
- I took the test on Nick's site and I got this: sr...
- Also, THIS. Peace, Joe
- If you do not like the idea of copious amounts of ...
- Ok. I was checking my post from earlier today, an...
- I would like to announce that I am not updating my...
- He just turned 40 and he's averaging 30+ in the la...