Thursday, December 26, 2002

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND ONE OF THOSE NEW YEARS! It is Dec.26th and I have let off the posting again for the same reasons I stated on the last post (sleeping, eating, etc.) Christmas was great but for the Chandlers it is not quite over. More siblings will be coming in over the next few days, starting with Will and Meghan in a few hours and ending with Liz and Josh on Saturday. That will be grand. I, of course, have gotten sick, because my body cannot go without some sort of catasrtophic breakdown every few weeks! We all know that! But this time I have jumped on it so that it won't win - I called my Doc. in Birmingham and he's calling in the infantry (i.e. anti-biotics)! Hooray! Nasty sickness, be gone! I shall have fun with my family, infection be damned! Yens. Oh, and Liebe Lou is coming with Will and Meghan. That will be fun to see the hyper-active ball of dog. Yens.
Not much else to say. I'm going to go back to sleep before folks get here so I will be more "spriteley."


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