Thursday, October 07, 2004

I would like to take this opportunity to say that I miss Peeg and Stacy. It wasn't like I saw them all the time before, but now it is difficult even to talk to them on the phone. This hit me the other day when I was getting out of my office late at night. It was dark, and I looked up to see a crazy squirrel frozen in the streetlamp light. The situation would have made sense had it been in headlights, but apparently this squirrel couldn't tell the difference. When I said "hey Mr. Squirrel, its ok. Its not a car. You can move now", it didn't move. So the infrequent occurance happened where the spirit of the Peeg took me. I ran at the squirrel all wonkey and yelled "SQUIRREL GAME SQUIRREL GAME" in my best Peeg voice. This got the animal to move. I then opened my cell phone to call Peeg and Stacy to tell them, but then I realized they now live on another continent and such.
Also, it looks like my Mr. T action figure is breakdancing right now, but really he just fell behind my computer monitor and landed in a funk-a-licious way. Funky, funky.
I hope everyone is well (including the mister squirrel).

Joe "Japan is pretty f-ing far away" Chandler

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