Friday, June 18, 2004

My oldest brother Will is busy. So busy, in fact, I think he must have gotten a time-turner from Dumbledore.

Joe: "Did you see Will come in?! When did he get here?"

Anyway, I was talking to Will today about a paper he is writing and he told me one of the funnies things I have ever heard.

Ever. Heard.

His paper is on slang, and touches on, among other things, how slang affects school kids who have English as their second language (ESL kids). As you might imagine, much can be lost in translation. Or in the case I am about to relate to you, added.

Will was looking for a funny example of just how mystifying some English slang can be to ESL kids. He's using a magazine that is entirely in slang in his example. One of the adds has a picture of a lady on a cell phone at a golf course with the caption, "Chris on the back nine? Hells yeah." Now there is a website where ESL folks can enter slang into a computer for translation into their language, then back into English to understand what it means. Here's what happens when you use this slang phrase for a Spanish Speaking individual:

SLANG: Chris on the back nine? Hells yeah.
SPANISH: ¿Chris en los nueve traseros? Infiernos sí.
BACK INTO ENGLISH: Chris in the nine buttocks? Infier to us yes.

Sweet sassy molassy I have barely stopped laughing since he called and told me all this.
It has me tripping on very cold stones.

Other than that, I work, then work somewhere else, then work yet again at another place, then sometimes see my girlfriend. Also I have reclaimed my guitar from the ferocious Denny Chimes.

I hope everyone is well.
Joe "Chris in the nine buttocks? Infier to us yes." Chandler

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