Little Belle is a rat. She lives with me.
She also apparently is a ninja.
A ninja capable of amazing feats of escaping and stealing peanut butter. Because if there are objectives of a secret clan of ninja rats, I imagine that escaping cages and eating large amounts of peanut butter would be in their creed.
Because I am tired, I will not delve into the details of how I became privy to the fact that the lab rat who lives with me is trained to accomplish things I once thought were only attributable to Bruce Lee. But she is.
I am relatively busy at this point in the summer. Three jobs and a renewed joy of "reading for pleasure" (an undertaking that involves the use of non-academic printed material) have my days pretty much tapped. I have seen Jenn a few times (hooray!) because she is in Birmingham and my job often brings me there. Well really my car brings me there. But I drive my car. To Birmingham. To work. Then I see Jenn after work. Yes. Tired.
But when I think I have a whole bunch to do I think of all the stuff my brother Will is doing, and what I am doing turns into a pleasant stroll with no amount of work involved. Go Will. Go.
To other things. The Harry Potter movie is awesome. Twice. Go see it. Twice.
Today I watched President Reagan's funeral. He was sworn in to his first term as president two months before I was born. He lived 93 years. Whatever you think about his presidency, the man had a great sense of humor and kept Jelly Beans in the Oval Office. Enough said.
As a final word, watch out if you have any rat-like pets. Your peanut butter supply may be in jeopardy.
I hope everyone is well.
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