Friday, February 21, 2003

Sorry, I have to do it. To often some might say, this has become a forum for Jordan news. And here we go again. Tonight Jordan became the oldest player ever to score 40+ points in an NBA game (43 against the Nets in a win). You should read about it.
Plus, Alabama did not call me back today. Shane says that is probably becasue something happened and they couldn't meet, and that I shouldn't worry. Which I'm not. I would jsut like to hear from them, you know? Oh, and while they're at it, they should give me A MILLION DOLLARS!!!!! MWOO-HHOOOO-HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
Um, yens. Sorry.
Ok, I'll write more later. Look at the Jordan story. LOOK AT IT!!!!
Hope everyone is well.

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