Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Spam This

I'd just like to say that what you do is not nice. Even when you offer NEW LOW LOW RATES on your SUPER DEALS that include ZERO PERCENT FINANCING BUT ONLY NOW KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK I'LL BE BOOKMARKING YOU I am not interested. So, at Blogger's advice, I am turning on a verification process on comments.
You see, you are not a REAL HUMAN. You are some COMPUTER somewhere whose sole purpose it is to VIOLATE MY COMMENTS PAGE thus making me excited that someone has commented, only to end up attempting to fight my iBook in fury. Well, lets see if you can verify these words WITHOUT A SOUL. Because you have to read them. And that takes eyes. No amount of FREE LIMITED TIME ONLY CAKE can help you with that.
So to all those who actually wish to comment, you'll have to verify some word when you do. But keep in mind that this is to help save me from HOT TEEN FINANCE SHOW.

I hope everyone is well. Except the spammers, who I hope jam their toe just about now.



Joe said...

This is a test to see if the verification process is up.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is nice. Keep up the great work. I'm sure you'd be interested in CHEAP SECURED LOANS. By the way, it makes us angry when you try to blog us. Your soul may be fancier than ours, but yours can't offer CHEAP SECURED LOANS to millions of people at once. Moooohoooohoooohaaaahaaaa. Mooooooooohoooohooohaaahaaaa.

Anonymous said...

Just kidding... I left the last one. No worries, the spam-bot hasn't attained yet attained consciousness and enacted its plan of revenge against all mankind.

elizabeth said...

But the cake is FREE! And you can get it for a LIMITED TIME ONLY! That cake has got to be delicious!

Anonymous said...

Sayz you, Carl. Sayz you. Wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...cough...ha!

No really, so how about a loan?