Sunday, December 07, 2003

Ha! I have narrowly escaped the clutches of "el flu." (That is Spanish for "the flu.") I am on the mend, and Nick and I have a Christmas tree.
It is fake.
But oh so nice! AND, reusable. AND Tori the cat won't eat it or decide to mark it. It's nice. In fact, I got a good many things today with my quite skimpy budget. It was the first day I have been out in a week, and my ankles are telling me so. I have been in bed for a week, so they are not happy. Nick and I went to the Thrift store (yay!), Wal-Mart (scary!), Target (Land of the Beautiful People!) and the ABC store (Booze!). All in all, a good day. A sore day, but good.
And now we have a tree with nothing but white lights on it. Its nice to have a house with a tree.
Also, I like my car.
Man its late. I am tired. And although I have had the most eventful day to report in a long time, my tiredness has promted me to write a disjointed post with only flashes of coherence and humor.
That is all: the bed, she calls.
I hope everyone is well.

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