Monday, November 24, 2003

Man I do certainly enjoy surprises.
I am currently reading about what makes a situation surprising along the social-cognition front and I decided that instead of finishing reading I could do something that seems equally as important: post on my blog.
So here I am, posting.
First up since the last post, Peeg and Stacy had their wedding reception. It was awesome. The whole immediate family was there, and art and food and hip music. Afterwards we fit in the traditional Chandler Wedding tradition and drank Jack Daniels Single Barrel and slam danced to "Its the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine)" by REM. We did this out in the parking lot of the art museum, making it even more awesome. It was cold, the whiskey was great, and the Chandlers are a damn fine bunch of slam dancers. Especially Will. You should see that man boogy boogy. Jenn came with me and saw all the siblings together at once. That in itself was wonderful. And Peeg is married to a great lady. Good times all the way around. For more accounts of said reception, see other Chandler Blogs at the top of this page.
Hmmmm, I wonder what else could be going on in Joe's life? School! Past Peeg's reception, I have been working toward the end of the semester here in my first year of grad school. Almost there, and I haven't burned out yet. I must continue... in fact, I am really quite enjoying myself.
Also it is thanksgiving soon. That will be wonderful as well.
You know, I really just don't have that much to say becasue that article is just looking at me saying, "you must read me now."
And so I shall.
That is no surprise.

Ok, sorry about that.

I hope everyone is well,

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