Monday, November 12, 2007

Motivation Mud

This weekend I had the great pleasure of seeing family and friends that I don't get to see often. Work faded into the backdrop, cowering in the face of football with toddlers, Trivial Pursuit saturated by inside-joke style hints, and the simple happiness of sitting next to loved ones you don't often get to sit next to.

But now that I am back in my office, back to the windowless concrete box that houses almost five years of graduate school effort, the work has revived its bravery. It is demanding my attention in a way that does not match my motivation to do it. You see, even though I have showered twice today, I am covered in motivation mud. Strangely enough, this viscous substance does not imbue you with with motivation (as the name might imply); rather it slows your motivation-turned-action into a stilted, spiritless crawl. No soap for it. You just have to keep moving until it dries out, cakes, cracks, and finally falls off.

I do not hate my job. I just really love my family and friends. One day I'll figure out how to avoid the post-trip let down. But for now I have to get back to walking the mud off.

I hope everyone is well.

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