Hi all. Long time, no post.
I have no excuses.
I guess I could make one up. Here goes... Ummm, for the past month I have been the sole prisoner of an evil scientist monkey, whose evil experiment it was to prevent me from posting on my website. Also he was building a "laser."
Anyway, pertaining to the titel of this post: My siblings got me the best birthday present ever. With a generous gift cetificate, I purchased the Moblie Pre USB audio interface for my iBook, essentially making me a ROCK STAR IN THE MAKING. It came with a free super microphone, so I have all the tools needed to work with Will and complete our album. ROCK. OUT.
Also on that birthday, I turned A QUARTER OF A CENTURY OLD!!! AHHHHH!!!! Yes, I am 25. It again happened over spring break, which was both awesome and relaxing. My lovely lady showed me a good time filled with food, guinness, MASH DVDs, and some beautiful road-trippin'. We drove highway 78 all the way to Athens, GA to see Carl, David, Vic, and Drew, and I'm never taking I-20 again. Yep.
Ok, so I have to go do real work now. Thanks to everyone who made my birthday and Spring Break so wonderful... presents, food, hanging out, etc. Now, on to the exciting world of GRADING PAPERS!!!
I hope everyone is well.
And if only I had had my camera, you could post the proof that Highway 78 to Athens is indeed way more entertaining sign-wise than I-20. Maybe next time! :)
Ah yes, Tonya points out that we had LOTS of awesome signs, including one that simply said "NO" and "Holly Pond Super Thrift. Featuring: Beer, Hardware." Not to mention all the package stores...
But Holly Pond can't feature beer! Because, if my mind serves me correctly, Holly Pond is in Cullman County--WHICH IS DRY! And yes, I just looked it up--and it is in Cullman County!
This was Holly Pond, Georgia. On HW 78 going towards the big ATL. Holler.
Wow. More than one Holly Pond in the world. I should have known, since Holly Pond, AL is not off 78 here in 'Bammy.
Man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh MAN that thing looks COOOOOL. Can't wait to hear what it sounds like!
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