New and Improved You scored 41 Golden Classic, 60 Awesome Remake, 33 Needs No Change, and 11 Infomercial! |
Wow, what a pleasant surprise. You are a remake of an incredible classic. Yet, not only do you not suck, you have really brought some new and exciting elements to the film. We are going to buy you as soon as you come out on DVD, as a matter of fact, we are going to buy the double disc set. And then should the criterion collection company release a special edition of you, we will also buy that DVD, and give the original one away to someone who we dont really care that much about, otherwise we would have bought them the new one. |
Link: The Gold Classic or Glitzy Remake Test written by diamondslacker on Ok Cupid |
Geez, I hope that worked. Anyway, you should try it too. Look at me, I'm James Earl Jones!
Secondly, another friend and fellow grad student, Chris, sent me the following article about shaving. You don't think that would be that funny or exciting, right? No you should read this. Seriously.
So otherwise things are pretty busy. Thesis gets turned in in three weeks!!! AHHHHH!!!!
Let me say that again. AHHHHHH!!!!!
Despite this, I am relatively unstressed. Who can say how this works? Not me. Well maybe I can, but thats for later.
Time to grade some papers.
I hope everyone is well!
I am frightened by the accuracy of this test! I was deemed "Godzilla." I don't know what that means, really, but I DO live in Japan, so, um, yes.
Hmmm. I was Classic but come to think of it, I think I'm a classic/artsy film connoisseur poser. I knew all the answers to the classics only because I hung out with true golden classic buffs like Lillard and the Hoogie. I would have never seen any of those movies on my own. Oh well. Another point...while most Stephen King movies are second rate cheeze.... The Shawshank Redemption was the best script of all time!!!!!
Peace out!
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