Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The saga is nearly at its end.

Saturn is replacing my car.

Yep, you heard me.

And here she is. She will be born this coming Monday the 8th in Spring Hill, custom built for little old me. I will take posession of her soon after. Suggestions of names are most welcome.

So after two months of, ummm, lets just say frustration, I will soon be driving a car of my own again. If you want details, give me a call. One thing I have learned from this is that information is powerful. For the good and the bad.

We'll just say it turned out very well in the end.

I can say no more.

In other news, Winter is finally coming! I am genuinely excited about wearing coats again. Also, the semester is at the point where everything you thought was a long way off suddenly isn't. So soon I will be driving back and forth to my office on no sleep again.

At least it will be in my own car.

And to end on the "lighter side" (what does that really mean?), today Jamie brought an array of Little Debbie snacks to the department. I was not aware of this until a friend pointed it out, at which point I literally jumped out of my chair and ran to the lounge, where I promptly ate a lunch of sugary goodness. Besides that, I had coffee for lunch. HEALTHY IS MY MIDDLE NAME OK. I am now paying for the goodness with wonky belly supreme and the sugar / caffine shakes. The goodness, she hurts so bad.

Also, you have to look at this.

I hope everyone is well.

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