Tuesday, February 18, 2003

HOORAY! I finally have some Grad School news to tell folks about. Today I talked to the director of the Cognitive Psychology program at Alabama and she told me some verrry niiice things indeed. Basically, leaving out the details that made me oh so uncomforatble (has anyone ever told you nice things about yourself only for you to think, "hmmm that person sounds great... when do I meet them?") but were in the end quite flattering, Dr. Roskos-Ewoldsen (an awesome name - I KNOW!) told me that they would make me a formal offer this friday and were just trying to decide where to pull "funding", which means, according to my friend and prof Shane, they are deciding what fellowship to award me. Normally they don't notify people until early April, and Dr. ROSKOS-EWOLDSEN (cool name, really) said this is how Alabama "snags the top students" or something like that, by offering stuff really early. I was pretty dumbfounded on the phone, saying stuff like "great" and even "neat" about 50bazillion times. She ended the conversation by sort of hinting that I wouldn't need to worry about tuition or any of that stuff, and that she'd call back this friday. Plus today the doctor said my White blood cell count was much better now that I've been eating corrrectly and exercising more consistently and not stressing so much. So yep, today was a "red letter day" for me, whatever that really means.
Anyway, that is enough about ol' Joe. I would like to give a "shout out" to my sister for her birthday was on Sunday (we went to Copelands and Target!) and to Peeg and Stacy, who are currently buried up in D.C. Stay warm and make many Polks!
Also, Monday was Michael Jordan's 40th birthday. CNNSI and ESPN both have some great stories about it.
Danball officially starts this weekend... woo-hoo!
I hope everyone is well!

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