Saturday, November 16, 2002

Man this has been a crazy week. All in the span of a few days I have thought I wasn't going to grad school, then I thought I might go to law school, then I thought my dad was getting paralyzed, then I thought a Ham sandwich was actually a Turkey sandwich and ate it and was quite disappointed, then I realized I was being really dumb and that of course I am going to grad school and then I got a letter from the Rhodes people saying that my GPA and everything was good enough and they would call me later if I went to the state trials and then I worked at the Cellar and pretended I was a ganster, then I played some Uno, and now I am in the midst of a hunt for a Movie called "Brother From Another Planet" that I have to watch for African-American Lit. So I thought (as I was online) "boy Joe, you haven't posted on your website seeing as how you've been all busy and such, you should do that." And so I am.
Hmmmm... what else. Oh yes. My family is all getting together for the thanksgiving. That will be wonderful. I can't wait. One of my professors might be coming to thanksgiving dinner, too. He's practically family, seeing as how he is my mentor and all. Yens.
So I saw the new Harry Potter last night. Man let me tell you, it was grand. I will say nothing of it for those that haven't seen it. Only this: you should go see it. Its grand.
Vic got the new LOTR box set with the extra 30 minutes of footage. As soon as my life slows down I'm going to watch it like 50 times. In a row.
I want to be Gandalf.

Hope everyone is well.

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