Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Sometimes you just really want a sandwich. I didn't eat breakfast this morning, and so by dinner I wanted something X-TRA special. So I went to the caf, and waited in line for many minutes, singing a few not-really-songs-songs in my head. When I got to the front of the line I ordered a Turkey-Bacon-PepperJack Cheese Melt on D-Lish bread. MMMMMMmmmmm. It was so good I thought it should take up some space here. Plus my day was pretty uneventlful, so I needed a good story. When we got back from dinner Carl and I again decided to be healthy, only this time we did Drew's "Navy SEALs Total Body Workout." Man let me tell you, those guys are crazy in a I-like-to-break-my-own-face-with-bricks kinda way. We did most of the whole thing, skipping part when we felt the need to pass out. We did these crazy neck exercises as the instructor said "a man with a strong neck is a strong man" until ours heads almost fell off. Then I took a shower and went to work, where I found out my friend Michelle was from Jasper and that I was known there as "Joe from Anniston" from my connection to Amberly (who was born and raised in Jasper). Nick (not my brother, but another Nick) and Evan and Charles were putting up signs everywhere that said: "Hey Freshman Guys, are you INTERESTED IN RUSH? Then come to the cellar on thursday night for more information." They explained to me that they were going to gather the potential frat boys and then just play a few songs from the Canadian band Rush. I thought it was brilliant. A few bewildered current frat guys walked past the advirtisements with a combined look of interest and disdain. I know I'll be there on thursday night to see what happens.
I guess thats about it. Peeg's post on his journal today was especially interesting I think. I don't stop to appreciate his artistic talent until he whips out all those fancy names in his "big city artists." I do like Jackson Polluck, though. But Peeg is much better. You should read the post. Unless you're Peeg reading right now, in which case you should eat some cheese.
Its 2:20am. Time for the sleeping.

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