Monday, September 25, 2006

72 Degrees!

Nope, this is not the name of a new boy band.

Nor is it the low for this evening.

As I type, the temperature outside is 72 degrees. Not. Kidding. Fall is coming, and boy howdy I am ready for it. You see, for me, fall means a lot of wonderful things:
1) Mornings that feel like mornings. I have never felt like it was morning when you get to your car @ 7am and it is already in the 80s. Morning should have a nice chill in the air; perhaps enough to wear your favorite sweatshirt. Fall provides that.
2) Football. This one is three fold: 1. Alabama football (yes, I have become a rabid fan during grad school), 2. Dallas Cowboy football (yes, I pretend that T.O. is not T.O. but someone else, like perhpas Drew Pearson of old), and 3. playing football... on the quad, with my dad, with my brothers... oh man.
3) Working outside. You see, grad students work all of the time. At least during the fall you can sit at a nice picnic table with your laptop instead of the closet I sit in that is my "office."
4) Hiking. I can't during spring or summer because of the ants. But when it gets cold enough they retreat underground!
5) FIDDLERS. The fiddler's convention is on par with every other major holiday for me (at least in secular terms). Its in two weeks and I can't wait!
6) Family. We're talking Fiddler's, Peeg's birthday, Thanksgiving, and lately, the birth of children. Liam, Maddox, and soon... John Patrick.

I love fall. And it has put me in one of those mushy moods where you forget about the 4,000 pounds of work you have to do and sit outside in a giant captain's camping chair and grill Hebrew National hot dogs. Specific, I know, but I am a man who knows what he likes.

I hope everyone is enjoying this as much as I am (if not more).


PS... Mr. Alligator will return next post.
PPS... I am considering moving my blog to my main website (which is currently under a brand new make-over thingie... you'll see). I'd like to know if my readers (i.e. my family and a few friends) like the current theme or think it is time for a change. If you think that I should re-work stuff, let me know. And if so, please suggest a theme. You know, like, "Tubby eats a Pound of..." or the like. Yes, and thanks.

1 comment:

Nick said...

This is one year when I hope we have a warm winter. I won't be having any heat source except for another stinky man almost all winter so I would rather not have it too cold.